An 18 year old family

Our family started in the mid-1990s as developers of software for the “web”, something that was relatively unknown back then. But we knew right from the start that the Internet would change everything.
As we needed servers to host the applications we developed for our clients, the idea of a developer friendly hosting service was born. But we wanted to be different. Better. And thus, the entire infrastructure of ServerPoint was designed in-house. We didn't just grab off the shelf components to build it, we built it all for flexibility, ease of use and performance.
And here we are today. Hosting tens of thousands of small and large clients from around the world, from personal blogs running WordPress to clients running complex infrastructures on hundreds of servers.
Our infrastructure
See our data centers!

The Internet's top network providers

proprietary ColossusCloud platform

We are not the typical webhost. We have built a client portal that is far easier to use, yet designed for our unique distributed infrastructure.
We built our client portal to manage our entire platform, including email server clusters, web accelerators, app installers, and more.
Manage your apps, such as WordPress, email, databases and more from within just one easy interface. Deploy bare metal servers and virtual machines for your large projects; all from within one platform.
Our customer reviews are proof of our dedication
from actual customers.